Become an Organizational Member
Organizational Members are organizations that provide residential and/or program services to people with disabilities. Our members provide services through the DD, BI, CADI and CAC waivers; ICF/DD and SILS.
#1: Access to critical industry information
ARRM's comprehensive directory, website, database, mentors, in-house expertise and publications provide critical information for members. In light of major changes, we guide providers through new service standards and payment methodologies. We also provide timely alerts and updates via blogs, alerts, and email blasts.
#2: Reduced training rates & members-only trainings
We provide member-driven training geared to meet their unique needs. As a benefit, ARRM members receive reduced rates on workshops and our annual conference. Recent member-only training topics have included Waiver Re-imagine, What you need to know about Cost Reporting, EVV, Competitive Work Force Factor implementation, to name a few.
#3: Advocacy
ARRM fights for rate increases, staff compensation and other significant issues affecting the industry, and as the industry changes, new and increasingly complex issues emerge. As they arise, ARRM is at the table representing our members!
#4: Support from your industry colleagues
ARRM has an extensive network and mentor system. Connect with and learn from other members. Join a committee or attend events and training's to get to know your colleagues.
Apply Now for an Organizational Membership 2024
Apply Now for an Organizational Membership 2025